July 28, 2011

Create yourself a logo

If you had a company you would have certain things that identify you. You will need to create an image for it. And definitely you must have a logo, that is a graphic that helps people identify your business. 
So I thought a long time ago, why not, create a logo of myself, an image that represents me. I also created the used the nick name CathyCat when I was in school. Some people called me like that, others used my other ID, Catherine, which I have since I was born.

This is my logo.

Basically I made a drawing of myself with the feature that stands out the most, (not my nose) my hair. I have big-curly-freeze hair and you can notice that in most of my pictures.

TIP: You can take your feature or trait that stands out the most and make a logo of it. You can also make a logo of a word or motto you made up or something you like.

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