July 8, 2011

Time for bed

I just came to realize that these last months we're not so bleary-eyed, and the reason is that our dear beloved child is sleeping through the whole night. She used to wake up around 2:00 a.m. not because of (monsters in the closet) but it seems she needed some company, after all, she doesn't like to be alone.   
I guess her "time for bed" routine really works, it even helps her WANT to go to bed. She's always ready to get her glass of water and put it on her night table, she chooses her story book and we read it together. And then, time for a song.

She's reading The Sneetches, one of her favorites.
It's also very important to be consistent and respect the schedule. Make it a routine everyday, at least it works for me! 

July 7, 2011

Make an inspiration board

If you like to create you need to be mentally stimulated, which means you will need to be inspired. Well, I wanted to help the right side of my brain a little by creating this inspiration board!!!
You just need a corkboard or a magnetic board and make a collage of the things that inspire you. Things that help your creativity depending on the project you are working on that time. You can also leave things that inspire you in general, it works for me. Most of the time I get ideas for projects inspired in things that are not related to what I'm working on.

My inspiration board is a simple corkboard covered with a fabric that I fell in love with (is my favorite color and is very graphic). I pinched photos of happy moments, some of  our daughter's paintings, and other things. Rignt now we are selecting room colors for a future home and the paint chips are also in the inspiration board to help us take a better look at the colors.

July 6, 2011

Take note

Wether you're blogging or not, is always good to hang out with a note pad in your bag. They always come in handy when you need to take a quick note. They're very useful if you get inspired all of a sudden in the middle of a waiting line at the doctors office.

I have several years using mine and I still find blank pages to fill. If you notice, is actually an agenda of 2007, a gift from a very good friend. I take it with me everywhere.

By the way, I should be getting a new one, this one is almost full.

July 5, 2011

This is who we are

We are a small family but BIG in love. We love music, movies, design, decorating and even crafts (which were not very good at but at least we try).
Our youngest member is a very creative little one. She loves to paint, and color, make jigsaw puzzles, read story books and often you might surprise her singing.

We're very enthusiastic to share with you  a little of our life. So "join us in this journey".... sounds too cliche, but seriously, take a peek and if you like it visit us often.