December 2, 2011

A warm house in the winter

Even in Florida the approaching of winter is cooling enough to turn the heater on and use double blanket at night. Yesterday was pretty cold, at least for us who are not used to cold weather at all. In the afternoon the house was chilly so we didn't turn the heater on, nope, we decided to bake. Ella and I made chocolate chip cookies that not only warmed up the house but also made it smell very nice.

December is a great time to bake!

December 1, 2011

Quick art

We didn't want to leave our bathroom frames empty and since we are a little busy with some of our freelance work we decided to put in those frames something provisional. I made a quick abstract drawing for the one on the right. Then, for the second one I decided to frame postcards and remembered I had some in an old box, but then I found in there some pictures I took with the Diana mini a time ago, I combined two of them with blue skies and framed them together.

TIP: Almost anything can be art. Photos, postcards, drawings, sketches, doodles, an ad you liked, a broken piece of paper, spilled coffee, music sheets ...anything.

November 29, 2011

Plain bathroom needs life

In our house, one of the places that we haven't paid a lot of attention to is the bathroom, in fact, we have totally neglected it in terms of design. I noticed this and wanted to put some details in there to see if I could make it a little bit cozy. We particularly don't like having a very ornate bathroom, we like to keep it simple. Yesterday we bought two 5x7 picture frames for the bathroom but now we have to decide what kind of art we are going to put in them.

Pictures from
I have been searching on the Internet for some ideas of pictures "bathroom appropriate" and found that people usually use nature illustrations mostly flower, illustrations of animals or landscapes most of them look nice but I really would like to have something different, I just have no idea. This is something new to think about or a new fun thing to make.