September 9, 2011

The fastest growing grass

Our lawn must be the fastest growing lawn ever! It has to be mowed every week. Investigating on the Internet about what kind of grass we had in our front and backyard I learned a couple of things I didn't know.

You have to choose the right kind of grass for your yard, some like shady places, others need direct sunlight, just like plants.
Don't cut the grass too short, is not good for the lawn.
Don't mow your lawn when its wet, otherwise you might get weeds in your whole yard.
Water the grass frequently (we actually dont need that, the frequent rains and the lack of sunlight are in charge of taking care of our lawn).
Fertilize it when is needed.

September 7, 2011

Ramon likes

Ramon and I mostly like similar things. We both love photography, movies and music but he has passion for some specific things.

He loves and I mean LOVES going to the movies. He really is passionate for cinematography. He has a long list of favorite movies of different genres but he particularly likes movies about musicians, bands, and about movie making. He also likes documentaries. Reading the critics in movie magazines is one of his favorite pass times.

He loves music, but he still doesn't assimilate MP3 players, downloading music and all that modern stuff. He still likes to listen to Cd's and even cassettes.

Favorite color is blue.

September 6, 2011

Cathy likes

If I list all the things I love, this post probably would never end, so I'll mention only some of these things. 
My favorite colors are yellow and orange which explains why my favorite flower is the sunflower. I love to use patterns in clothing.

Like many people, one of my favorite band of all times is "The Beatles". They made really good music and even now after decades they're still making news. John Lennon is my favorite Beatle. 
I love music (mostly oldies) and I love to hear and see a good guitarist playing, especially when they're doing a good solo, is hypnotizing.
My favorite movies are usually about reality something like: Drama with a touch of surrealism and magic. 

September 5, 2011

Ella likes

I wanted to start today giving you the news that the white ottoman is finally sold. I received a call from a person that was interested in buying it and she came to pick it up on Saturday, hooray!!!!

Now, for today I thought it was a good idea to let you guys know a little more about us, so we made a collage of the things we like and we feel that represent each of us.

Like many of you know, Ella loves Dr. Seuss' books, especially "The cat in the hat". She collects those fun and creative rhyme books that even we love.

She loves Jigsaw puzzles, painting, sowing, and like all the children in the world, she loves Disney characters and movies.