October 19, 2011

Outdoor family time

In order to complete Monday's post about doing things together with your child, I will be sharing the fun afternoon Ella and I had yesterday.

We began our outdoor time finding the hidden treasure (which was only a box I hid in the backyard, no big deal) but yet really fun for her. We went outside with props and toys and played many improvised games (made up by ourselves). We collected some leaves and seeds. We made bubbles and took many pictures of nature but the best thing of all... Ella took her own pictures too.

IDEA: Give your child the camera, let him choose and take pictures by himself, that way you can see what is interesting for them. 

It was a great day and great family time.


Lauraangelina said...

Ahhh!! Love this!!! Ella está tan grande! And I love her pictures! I told you that girl is an artist! :)

This is our life blog said...

Yes she is, we are so proud of her!

vaneblu said...

Cathyyyyyyy, Ella esta demasiado grande y lindaaaaa, and OMG the yellow boots!