November 26, 2011

When do you start decorating for christmas?

Today Saturday 26, just two days after thanksgiving, we began decorating for Christmas. We just finished decorating our Christmas tree and a little detail for the entry door, we don't overdo it.

Our christmas tree. Decorated by Ella and rearranged a little by me.
I know probably for some people this is too early but I had my little one pushing for Christmas and all I could do was take the Christmas tree out of the garage and start decorating it. Plus, I always think that putting the decorations is too much work to display only for one day or two weeks. For me this is a good time to start decorating. When do you start decorating for Christmas?

November 23, 2011

Stop motion at home

We have been watching many of those Christmas movies for children with stop motion animation. While watching them I felt the need to explain Ella how stop motion works and how simple it is, so I decided to make a little movie for her using some of her toys.

Each photo must have a very slight change in order to complete the movement.
We used Ella's dollhouse and made52 frames (pictures) for this animation. She kind of understands now how it works.

And now, here is the video we made.

We were so excited with this one that we definitely want to make more.

November 22, 2011


For these thanksgiving days we have been having good company on our morning walks. Ella has been joining us, since she has no class for the entire week. For her is a fun ride in her old stroller, for us is exercise, but still a nice thing to share together. Today I didn't pick many flowers but the 4 yellow wild ones on the picture. I also found this fallen little branch from a small type of tree that I have always noticed its beauty. It has bright  red tiny rounded fruits which look as beautifull as some flowers do.

Im not sure if these are "Rose hips" but they certainly look lovely.