October 28, 2011

Doodles on your body

This is what happens when your kid doesn't feel like playing with toys? Well, you just have to improvise! 
I'm sure all of you drew on your toes, chin, hands and belly when you were kids. "La boquita" (which is how we called the mouth upside down) was a really funny one. 

I wanted to share this with Ella and show her how many characters we could create. There's the french chef, the family of five, the running lady in a towel, la boquita and the thing. And all of them talk, walk or move in a funny way. 

Another fun activity to do with your family. Oh!  And Ramon got some doodles on his belly too!

October 26, 2011

Quicker than I thought

On Monday I showed my dissatisfaction with our living room since it was missing places to sit. We are having people over for the next few days and we wanted them to feel comfortable.  But then... yesterday we took a trip to Ikea. We looked for chairs that were good looking, comfortable and most important affordable, and we found them. 

We found these two discount chairs. There's nothing wrong with them, they were displayed in the showrooms so they sell them as used furniture. We didn't mind, it was a good price, they look good and they were already assembled.    

You might think I'm crazy but I like all the patterns mixed in the living room and there's like a nature theme going on. We love how it looks!

October 24, 2011

How much would you pay?

I never thought that finding a chair was such a hard thing to do. We need more seating in the living room since all we have is the sofa. We really would like to buy two affordable and comfortable chairs with nice bright colors. We have found several nice ones here and there but the adjective they are missing is AFFORDABLE, at least for our budget. We don't want to overspend money in chairs. 

Solution? We don't know yet, let see what happens. Do you have any suggestions dear readers?